Tack Colors
In the trotting breeds Havana Brown colored leather is the most popular. In the American Saddlebred, Morgan and NSH rings
white patent leather girths either with elastic or humane ends are the girths of choice and are classic in any ring. Browband
color preferences vary breed to breed but reds and burgundies are always classic and elegant. Browbands should lay flat on
the horse's head, not protrude out. All leather should match (bridle, reins, saddle, stirrup leathers). Saddle pads are optional.
If the horse needs a pad for saddle fit or comfort it is best to use a pad that is not visible to the judge. Prussian style
stirrup irons are the choice of many champions. Black stirrup pads are also the best choice as they do not stop the flow of
the eye like white pads can.